Monday, May 12, 2014


David "Heiso" Heisey is entering his fourth season as Trinity's head coach and his sixth overall since he took over the program at the Harrisburg Academy in 2009. With an overall record of 62-38 over the past six years he has consistently improved the program to the point where the Shamrocks are now serious contenders for the Mid Penn and going into their third straight district appearance. He has produced several D1 college players as well as an All American selection in Jack Miller '12.

Heisey's coaching career started in the early 90's when he was an assistant with George Gonzales (now an assistant at Trinity) and saw him become the head coach of CD East and then become involved with the Central Dauphin youth program before returning to the Academy which would later transfer to Trinity. Heisey also currently serves on the executive board of the MCLA. Heisey was formerly a head Coach for Central PA Dawgs club team and was also one of the founders of the Keystone State Lacrosse Games Tournament.

Coach Heisey was kind enough to answer some questions with us about his team, coaching philosophies, and their upcoming game with West York in the first round of the district playoffs on Tuesday.


This will be Trinity’s third straight trip to district playoffs. How have you been able to achieve such a consistent level of success?
We have good, smart players who understand the game and who are passionate about being successful. We have developed an attitude, as a program, that if you work hard, especially at the fundementals, be positive and have fun, good things happen.

Even though you will be playing West York for the second time this year, what are some of the challenges involved in game planning for opponents who you don’t have a lot of head to head experience with?
That is a huge challenge, before we played WY the first time, all we had to go on was Laxpower, not an ideal scouting tool. We knew that they had some excellent goal scorers but we had no idea how they scored, tendencies etc.. Before we got an idea they jumped out to a 3-0 lead.

What are some of the biggest surprises, good or bad, your team has experienced this year?
Losing 4 top players is always a bad surprise and of a magnitude that I have not had to deal with. But the most pleasant surprise was how my guys responded and bought into the "next man up" ideal that I have been spewing since the Fall. There were several times this season where we could have folded the tent and called it quits and we didn't do that.

Trinity has risen up the ranks of the Mid Penn very quickly. How have you been able to build and maintain the programs success?
An old coach once said "it's not the X's and O's it's the Jimmies and Joes". We have been fortunate to have good players who are great people and play their hearts out for us, in our four years here I don't think I have ever had to question my kid's heart. Coaches receive too much credit when they win and too much blame when they lose, that said I accept bottom line responsibility for the success or failure of our program. I love my players as though they are my own sons, always have. I feel so fortunate to be a head coach of a program and to be able to spend this time with great guys. I don't have a secret formula, I am not the best X&O guy, but not many guys bring more passion, experience and genuine love of the game and the players than our staff.

Can you offer us any insight into your game plan for West York?

You’ve been a staple of Lacrosse in Central PA for a number of years, what are some of the changes you have noticed to the game in this area?
My early lacrosse experiences after I left Harrisburg Academy, were formed in Maryland and Northern VA. I developed the customary "lacrosse snob" attitude to anything not MD or NY. I came back to Harrisburg in 1990 and Gonzo (George Gonzales) hired me as his assistant, we went 47-7 in 4 years, George jump started the program at CV, was a founding father of the original Mid Penn Lacrosse League and gave me my shot to be a coach. The biggest change that I see is that we have great lacrosse on Central PA and so many good lacrosse players on so many teams. As a "pioneer" of this sport in this area, I am so proud of the kids that have embraced the greatest game in the world and are excelling. The kids that are playing here now are very good lacrosse players and awesome kids. 

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