Thursday, September 11, 2014


Welles Crowther, a former Boston College lacrosse player immortalized as "The Man in the Red Bandanna" for his heroic efforts saving others on Sept. 11, 2001, will be honored by the B.C. football team with special uniforms this weekend.
A former firefighter who was working as an equities trader on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center, Crowther made multiple trips up the stairs, helping people to safety before heading back up to help more. He lost his life climbing back up the South tower when it collapsed.
Identified by survivors by the red handkerchief that was a staple of his wardrobe since he was a young kid, it was determined that Crowther saved at least 12 people.
ESPN's Outside the Lines shared his story; it's a must-view above.
Boston College's uniforms this week will feature accesories trimmed in the red bandanna design. Those pictures, via the university, are also above.
Please share the video above to tell Crowther's heroic story, and remember him this week.

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