Monday, September 1, 2014


Today marks the second full year of Harrisburg Lacrosse!

We are honored by the out pouring of support and involvement in the community. To see the game grow, and to meet so many people who are committed to continuing to aid in the growth of the sport here in Central PA, has been a truly amazing experience!

When we started this journey we had a men's summer league and have been able to see that grow into  indoor/box league, youth camps, youth fall ball, youth indoor clinics, youth club lacrosse, and youth tournaments.

As we move forward into year three we will be working to continue to offer year round playing opportunities for participants of all ages as well as coverage of local lacrosse events!

Thank you to everyone who has been involved with us and supported the game here in Harrisburg!

1 comment:

  1. To see the game grow, and to meet so many people who are committed to continuing to aid in the growth of the sport here in Central PA, has been a truly amazing experience!lacrosse showcases
